Thursday, January 20, 2011

A Designer's Designated Plog.

This is a plog. No, it is not a typo, this is not a blog, its a PLOG! A picture log!

Its interesting to keep track of one's improvement and progress in a certain area, hence this plog to keep track of my DCC progress.

Okay and so I attended my first Saturday DCC lesson. The Glass House isnt as bad as I thought it would be, with more chairs and tables it would be a good place to study. Quite surprised that they got people from Design Singapore! to give us lessons. Finally I am undergoing formal and professional design lessons!

Kind of ironic that I am more interested in modules (design and computing) that are arent part of my major. Bleah.

Was taught Design Thinking by Jeffrey Ho, the co-chairman of design Singapore!

Honestly their logo was kinda lame and boring for an organisation that promotes designing? Not that creative.. Or perhaps I'm too lousy to see the implicit meaning behind the logo?

We were asked to design a oral hygiene product on the spot customized for our partners and I came up with this!

Its bristles are in all directions to increase efficiency and reduce brushing efforts! There's built-in refillable toothpaste compartment for lazy people too! :D

Its not really impressive, but at least its more user friendly than the Toilet Brush lookalike that Miko designed, which is supposedly customized to my needs. Its good that we hone our presentation skills by getting each one of us up to present our designs to the class.

Looking forward to the lesson tomorrow, I have to bring a camera and laptop in preparation for my next DCC assignment! Perhaps we are going to learn voyeurism to be voyeurs/stalkers! :D

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